★How to book (Way 1)
Mobile Booking Link:
Conference code: GYXX
1. Click on the link on your mobile phone
2. Select the check-in date and departure date
3. Enter the number of rooms
4. Enter the Conference code (GYXX)
5. Click on the query
6. Select the desired room type
7. Enter the occupant's details
8. Confirm the room type, number of rooms, price and name
9. Confirm payment
Follow the public WeChat website for more information:

★How to book (Way 2)
Website Online Booking Link:
Promotion code: GY
1. Click on the website on your mobile phone or computer
2. Select the check-in date and departure date in the DATES box
3. Enter the number of rooms and guests in the ROOMS & GUESTS box
4. Enter the promation code (GY) in the PROMOTION CODE box
5. Click the SEARCH button
6. Select the desired room type and click the BOOK NEW button
7. Enter the Guest Details Information
8. Confirm the Reservation Details Information
9. Confirm payment